House Commission approved the second withdrawal of 10% in a single installment


The Constitution Commission of the Chamber of Deputies and Deputies, with 7 votes in favor and 6 against, approved the indication that allows the second withdrawal of 10% in a single installment.

The indication was approved by the deputies: Gael yeomans (CS) -in replacement of Deputy Gabriel Boric-, Hugo Gutierrez (PERSONAL COMPUTER), Marcos Ilabaca (P.S), René Saffirio (Independent), Leonardo Soto (P.S), Pamela jiles (PH) and DC Matias Walker, president of the instance.

Despite this, the commission was unable to discuss the project in its entirety, so you must meet at another time to finish reviewing the motion.

The President of the Commission, Matias Walker (DC), presented the possibility of extending the meeting for an hour to finish reviewing the project completely. However, the deputy of the UDI Juan Antonio Coloma did not give unanimity to continue with the debate so the details of the project should continue to be discussed in a new session.
