Hornets that can kill humans were first seen in America


Every year they kill 50 people in Japan and China and for the first time they were seen on the American continent. A beekeeper discovered in the USA to the giant asian hornet, whose scientific name is Vespa mandarinia.

For his lethality, he was baptized, according to the New York Times, as the “killer hornet“This insect is capable of decapitating bees, which directly affects the current ecosystem. It is the largest and most dangerous wasp in the world.

As the newspaper details, “queen wasps can grow up to two inches and hornets can use shark fin-shaped jaws to remove a hive of bees within hours, decapitating bees and flying with the thorax to feed their young

In addition, the powerful venom and stinger of the hornet, which pierces even beekeeping suits, create a terrible combination, which victims compared to the hot metal that penetrates your skin. The recommendation is not to try to kill them.

Its toxin can be lethal and exits through its six millimeter stinger. Its existence has been recorded in China, where it has also caused dozens of deaths. It was discovered in the state of Washington, located in the extreme northwest of the USA.

According to Jun-ichi Takahashi, a researcher at Kyoto Sangyo University, the species earned the nickname “killer hornet” because its aggressive Group attacks can expose victims to doses of toxic venom equivalent to that of a poisonous snake.

The famous wasps:
