He President Sebastián Piñera made this Tuesday a national channel to present the main focuses of the Budget 2021 to be discussed in Congress during October.
The project takes place in the midst of the pandemic that has caused the unemployment of 1.8 million workers, in addition to severe consequences on the national economy.
Along these lines, President Piñera remarked that “The 2021 Budget will be the budget for employment and recovery to be able to create jobs, meet the main needs of Chileans, reactivate the economy and get our country fully operational. “
The President specified that the national treasury “means a total spending of $ 73,234 million, which means a 9.5 percent growth compared to this year’s Budget, and incorporates a 14.9 percent increase in public investment and maintains the fiscal impulse that public spending has had this year “.
🔵The keys to the 2021 Budget:
9.5% increases public spending.
14.9% public investment grows.
Total resources reach 73 billion dollars. @Cooperative pic.twitter.com/6nAZ71y5hB– Felipe Gallegos (@ FelipeGallegos7) September 30, 2020
Piñera emphasized that the project “maintains the fiscal impulse that public spending has had this year.”
“This is a very austere budget with those expenses that are far from the needs and priorities of the people, but generous with the resources to meet the true needs and priorities of Chilean families, “said the President.
The President added that the Budget means a structural deficit of 4.7 percent of GDP, the highest since the fiscal rule was created and will mean a gross public debt that will grow to 36.4 percent of our Gross Domestic Product for the year 2021 “.
job: The President highlighted the promotion of the Labor Protection Law and the Employment Subsidy with which they hope to recover one million jobs, which includes resources for 2 billion dollars.
Health: It contemplates additional resources to combat the pandemic and to “acquire safe and effective vaccines in a timely manner to protect our compatriots,” Piñera said. This will involve 1,067 million dollars additional for Health.
SMEs and Tourism: Incorporates a special fund for $ 120 million to strengthen subsidies, training and access to credit, among other initiatives.