High general of the Carabineros faces shots with assailants in lockdown: two arrested | National


Carabineros General Enrique Monrás Álvarez, head of the Santiago Oeste Zone, was shot at with a group of assailants on Thursday afternoon in Quilicura.

The incident occurred while the senior uniformed police officer was moving aboard his vehicle. It was then that an undetermined group of subjects tried to snatch a car that was traveling in the vicinity of Monrás, using the lockdown technique.

The robbery began a rapid pursuit that ended near the intersection of Marcoleta with Avenida Presidente Eduardo Frei Montalva.

There – according to information from the Carabineros – the officer was pointed with firearms by the gang, for which he and his driver responded with shots.

Jaime Sepúlveda (RBB)

“At this moment we have the seizure of two vehicles, two detainees and there are one or two weapons that are currently being tested,” said Colonel Sergio Cornejo, chief of the Carabineros Laboratory.

He also added that “contact was made with the North Central Prosecutor’s Office, in order that all the investigative work can begin (…) to take a statement from my general, his companion and investigate this criminal act.”

According to the police, one of the assailants ended up injured in his left thigh, for which he was taken to a health center. It is being investigated whether those arrested participated in a “criminal tour.”
