During the afternoon of this Saturday a new photo of the lawyer appeared Hernán Calderón Salinas with his son “Nano” Calderón, on his Instagram account.

The picture shows father and son posing with a Christmas tree behind them and playing with a cardboard Easter Bunny beard.

“Great son”, reads the publication that aroused curiosity in the lawyer’s followers.


Let’s remember that currently “Nano” Calderón He is in preventive prison in Santiago 1 prison, after being formalized for frustrated patricide against his father.

The 23-year-old man is also being investigated for damage, unjustified shooting, unconditional threats and less serious injuries in a VIF and related context.

It should be noted that Calderón Salinas reclassified the complaint against his son, eliminating the qualification of “parricide” and leaving it as a “crime serious injuries in the context of domestic violence.”

The lawyer also informed that he will represent himself in the case, after the resignation of one of his lawyers.

The case began on August 11 when the 23-year-old came to his father’s apartment to attack him with a knife.