Health Workers point to Paris: “It is very kind, but weak”


The Fenats responded to the statements of the Minister of Health, Enrique Paris, who called on the workers in the sector to put down the 48-hour national strike called for yesterday, Thursday and Friday.

“Excuse me minister, you are very kind, but weak. You do not have the authority or the capacity to resolve it yourself, because if you had it, you would have adopted measures a long time ago, ”said the president of the National Fenats, Patricia Valderas.

Valderas emphasized that “it was he himself who made the commitment to deliver a Covid Bonus and the User Treatment Bonus in section 1, when he assumed the shit, then it is ugly to promise things and then not fulfill them. As an authority he cannot play with people’s expectations ”.

Lack of seriousness

“If you feel uncomfortable, hurt, or hurt, that’s not enough of an answer. He is the same as the government spokesman when he said that there were sectors stung by the appointment of Minister Delgado. Honestly, the government’s responses leave a lot to be desired in terms of seriousness. It is time to define whether or not the government will deliver these funds to health workers, what it is willing to offer and how it will be carried out; here his word of man and authority is compromised ”, stated the union representative.

Valderas said that “we are not playing games, yesterday we started the mobilizations and decreed a 48-hour strike; We hope that the signal has been sufficiently clear ”.

He also reported that workers in the sector are still on alert waiting for definitions, so extending the strike if necessary is not ruled out.

“The minister is a doctor, he knows that the budget for next year is not enough, he knows the needs of the hospitals; So we don’t understand why you don’t put on your shirt and play it for the people. Really, we hope it is not like when Mañalich said that he did not know that people lived in crowded conditions, “he said.
