Follow the reactions on the sayings of Pablo Longueira, who indicated that he works to close wounds in the country and carry out actions such as freeing those guilty of the murder of Jaime Guzman.
“We must close part of our history with pain and success. We cannot drag future generations to what we live (…) I would like to see that those who murdered Jaime Guzmán obtain freedom. I am working to close those wounds. With greatness, without revenge. With humanism, “she said on Channel 13.
The words of the former UDI president generated immediate criticism from the party’s senator, Ivan Moreira; as well as the former Minister of Education, Marcela cubillos.
“You didn’t even ask your relatives for their opinion. Everything has a limit and we are talking about terrorists and murderers that he wants to release, ”said Moreira, a staunch defender of the dictatorship where Guzmán was an active collaborator.
They were joined by the Undersecretary of Finance, Francisco Moreno, who is the nephew of the murdered UDI senator and who spoke on behalf of the family.
Moreno pointed out that they will continue to fight to do justice with those guilty of the crime and that “any other spokesperson does not represent us.”
“As long as the two material authors of the murder of Jaime Guzmán are free and several accomplices have mocked justice since 1991, as a family we will continue to fight so that criminals be tried and convicted. Any other spokesperson does not represent us, ”he posted on Twitter.
The crime
Jaime Guzman was assassinated on April 1, 1991 on the eastern campus of the Catholic University by members of the Manuel Rodríguez Patriotic Front.
In the event they participated directly Ricardo Palma Salamanca Y Raul Escobar Poblete, the first is asylum in France after escaping from the High Security Prison, while the second is serving a sentence for kidnapping in Mexico.
Participation is also attributed to Galvarino Apablaza, Mauricio Hernández Norambuena, Juan Gutiérrez Fischmann and Marcela Escobar Poblete. The first is asylum in Argentina, the second is serving a sentence for the fact after having fled together with Palma Salamanca, the third is still a fugitive after fleeing abroad and the fourth is also serving a sentence.