Has no record: Prosecutor clarifies that information about a minor who fell to Mapocho is edited National


In the midst of the formalization of the carabinero accused of the crime of frustrated homicide for causing the fall of a 16-year-old young man from the Pío Nono Bridge, he began to a document that gave an account of the minor’s alleged police record went viral. Information that was later verified it was edited.

Among those who disseminated the material is the former presidential candidate Thomas Jocelyn-Holt, who through his Twitter account affirmed that the young man had causes of armed assault, drug sales and domestic violence.

His sayings were based on a document that was later found to be edited.

In the original, meanwhile, the cause of the 7th Guarantee Court of Santiago dated October 3, 2020, corresponding to the investigation into the attempted murder of the minor.

The complaint was filed by lawyers Fernando Leal and Sebastián Rojas, precisely because of the event that occurred last Friday on the Pío Nono bridge, and is directed against all those who are responsible.

From the The North Central Prosecutor’s Office confirmed that the minor, who remains hospitalized in the Santa María Clinic, has no police record.

Jocelyn-Holt acknowledges falsification of document

Through the same social network, Jocelyn-Holt, indicated that “I have no problem declaring that this document is false. What interests me is to see the information it contains. There is a RUT and there are causes ”.

“There are people who believe that a minor can go to unauthorized demonstrations and confront the Carabineros but 1) they do not assume that this minor has diminished responsibility 2) they are exposed to risks and 3) no one can make them respond like an adult to face uncovered and with antecedents known to anyone, “he added later.

“In the incidents on Friday, the Carabineros was not questioned for the use of pellets, or tear gas, not even the guanaco. This time it is about melee handling and there are people who see in that the idol of throwing a minor into the void. It is irrational. It assumes fraud and has no logic, ”he insisted.

Evolution of the minor

The Clínica Santa María reported that the minor, aged 16, has evolved favorably after surgery on both wrists, to which he was subjected last Saturday by a team of traumatologists from the institution.

“The patient is stable and was transferred from the Intermediate Care Unit to the Medicine and Surgery Unit.
The minor is accompanied by his family, in accordance with current health protocols ”.
