Harold Mayne-Nicholls: It was never my intention to disrespect the history of Colo Colo


Harold Mayne-Nicholls, vice president of Blanco y Negro, clarified his statements in an interview with DirecTV by ensuring that “the world will not end if Colo Colo descends”, stating that He has never considered that possibility and offered his apologies to the Albos fans.

“Regarding my phrase issued in an interview with DirecTV, I must say that it is related to a reference by the journalist to La Moneda and the Government, which in my opinion, makes no sense in a football conversation. To all those who were offended, I sincerely apologize. It has never been my intention to disrespect the great colocolina family and its wonderful history.a, “he declared.

The former president of the ANFP affirmed that his position was clear in the aforementioned interview and is convinced that Colo Colo will maintain his category.

“I have never imagined the possibility that Colo Colo does not participate in the First Division of Chilean soccer. That chance doesn’t exist, and every time I see the players and the coaching staff work, I am more convinced that we will get out of this awkward position“, he expressed.

Finally, he pointed out that “we are working to build a squad that will fill us with illusions in 2021 and leave this season into oblivion.”
