Gustavo Gatica, the young man who lost his sight due to the shot of pellets by the Carabineros during the social outbreak, published an emotional message one year after the unfortunate event.

In his Instagram account, Gustavo Gatica, who for the first time wore without sunglasses showing the aftermath of the impact, said that “I am still standing, learning every day.”

“A year ago, Claudio Crespo shot me with pellets in the face. It’s been a year since I lost my eyes, and yes I’ve had a hard time. I’ve cried and got frustrated, but I’m still here, standing, learning every day“, affirms the publication of Gustavo Gatica.

A year ago my life changed, for the better or for the worse? Only time will tell, for now I know I’m happy, and is that as the great Silvio says: ‘At the end of this journey in life (…) we are those who can smile, in the midst of death in full light “


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