Guaidó celebrated participation in the consultation against Maduro despite low attendance


The Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó celebrated this Saturday the participation in the consultation that he has promoted, in which citizens are asked if they reject the legislative elections, despite the low attendance at the tables set up for voting in person.

The politician acknowledged to journalists that he had not communicated with the organizing committee, which “is monitoring the flow of voters”, but stressed that he has been able to see “a lot of participation“, something that contrasts with the images of the tables in which there were no queues to vote.

He also reported “a lot of participation” through the two platforms Voatz and Telegram, which were activated on Monday to respond to the query and through which you can participate until tonight, although he did not give precise figures either.

For Guaidó, there is a “great contrast” between participation in the consultation and that of last Sunday’s elections, in which 30.5 percent of the census voted and which he describes as fraud, which he believes is a “manifestation of the will of Venezuelans, exercising not only the rejection of fraud, but also the strong will to advance “.


In your opinion, with this query, “Any hint of what that fraud of December 6 was has been defeated”, date of the elections.

In these elections, in which Chavismo obtained 91 percent of the deputies, the traditional opponents of the sector led by Guaidó they did not go to the polls considering them a fraud.

However, their parties did attend, with leaders imposed by the Superior Court of Justice (TSJ), after the formations were intervened and managed by the judicial institution.


As found Eph, This Saturday there are no controls at the participation points so that those who have already voted on digital platforms do not vote in person again.

Citizens who come to one of the tables must write down their name and sign, a piece of information that It is not compared with that of other authorized places throughout the country for consultation, so It only depends on the will of the Venezuelans not to go to several places and deposit the ballot more than once.

Those who participate in the consultation must answer, only with a “yes” or a “no”, to three questions that were approved by the National Assembly (AN, Parliament), currently with an opposition majority and whose term ends on January 5.

In the first, citizens are asked to respond if they reject the legislative elections and if they also consider it a fraud.

The second asks voters if they demand “the cessation of the usurpation of the Presidency by Nicolás Maduro and they call for free, fair and verifiable presidential and parliamentary elections. “

“Do you order the necessary steps to be taken before the international community to activate cooperation, support and assistance that allow us to rescue our democracy, address the humanitarian crisis and protect the people from crimes against humanity?” Says the third question.


When asked about Sunday’s elections, Guaidó assured that, for him, there are no “elected deputies”, as it does not recognize the result, and highlighted that “The same is going to happen” as in 2018, when Nicolás Maduro was re-elected as president in elections rejected by the international community.

Due to this and a personal reading of the Constitution, Guaidó was proclaimed interim president in January 2019, a position in which he has been recognized by more than 50 countries, based on a law that allowed him to be so for 30 days, and that, On its own initiative, it has continued to date, although without institutional management capacity.

Although participation data and the response of citizens to whether they reject the legislative ones are still not known, Guaidó assured that the current AN will continue.
