Grupo Laureate leaves Chile and its institutions will have a non-profit supporter


Laureate International Universities announced on Friday its decision to transfer control of its universities and sell its five higher education institutions in Chile, which will have as supporter of the Education and Culture Foundation.

With the group leaving the country, This non-profit entity will manage the Andrés Bello University; the University of the Americas; the Viña del Mar University; the AIEP Professional Institute and the Modern School of Music and Dance. It should be remembered that in recent years the group had been questioned by students from its various institutions for controlling them for profit.

The new holder is constituted by the former Director of Budgets of the civic-military dictatorship Jorge selume zaror, and the former Minister of Education also in that period and former president of SQM, Juan Antonio Guzman.

In addition, the Laureate statement states that the AIEP Institute “was acquired in its entirety by the Andrés Bello University, who through this operation seeks to strengthen its inclusive institutional seals and strengthen the articulation in its different careers and programs with the professional technical sector “.

The CEO of Laureate Latin America, Jesus VillateHe commented that “we are tremendously proud with the level of quality and solidity of the educational project of each of the educational institutions” in Chile, underlining that in his 20 years in charge of them “we become an important actor in the Chilean educational system and we contribute significantly to the expansion of coverage at the national level, thus promoting the country’s social mobility. “

According to its statement, the sale of its institutions “occurs within the framework of the series of strategic movements that the Network is carrying out globally, and which include its departure from various operations and countries such as Australia, Costa Rica, Spain, among others”.

“Prior to this announcement, a few weeks ago Laureate had already lowered the valuation of its operations in Chile, as a result of the new regulations for the sector and the existing uncertainties in this matter,” the letter states.
