The Government decided to withdraw the veto on Tuesday to the project that makes applicable to public and municipal officials the procedure of labor guardianship contemplated by the Labor Code.
This bill, which had already been approved by Congress in its entirety and which the president vetoed a little over a month ago, had observations that precisely they were to be voted on this afternoon.
Regarding this decision, the president of the Senate Labor Committee, the socialist Juan Pablo Letelier, indicated that he does not know whether “to be happy or angry”, since it is something they expected but he comes late.
“I do not know whether to be tremendously happy that the government’s first reaction after Sunday is to withdraw a useless presidential veto or if I should feel anger at the waste of time that the Executive has generated us “, the parliamentarian pointed out.
“In any case, this is a day of joy for public officials, the central government and the municipalities because the law will have to be enacted this week“, he detailed Letelier.
⏰ Last Minute: Today the presidential veto will be voted on the bill on the application of labor protection.
However, it has been reported that the Executive decided to withdraw the observations.
Consequently, the bill was ready to be enacted and become law.
– SenadoChile (@Senado_Chile) October 27, 2020