The Government, through the Undersecretary of Telecommunications (Subtel), warned that criminals in the country began to apply a new scam method, making a “Social archeology” of the victims: They find out their social networks, personal data, among others, and then impersonate them in the mobile service company.
The crime – known as “SIM Swapping” or the impersonation of the SIM card of users’ phones- was detected by Subtel’s Claims Management Department (DGR) and there are already more than a hundred claims during 2020.
The fraud
SIM Swapping, indicated the Undersecretariat, consists of the identity theft of a mobile phone user, where scammers carry out a “social archeology” job, reviewing aspects of each user, such as name, RUT, serial number of the identity document, retail accounts or banking institutions, social networks, among others.
With this information the criminals call the company that provides the mobile phone service, They report the theft or loss of their SIM card or that it is not working correctly, for which they request the change and the sending of a new card.
The new SIM is installed in a different device and the scammers install bank or retail applications used by the scammed user, request that the keys be sent via SMS and get access to these accounts.
Thus, they impersonate the user in their bank and retail accounts or use that same bank account to transfer money previously obtained illegally.
Other thefts
Another modality that has been widely claimed, Subtel pointed out, is that criminals with the information collected “They request the opening of new telephone lines or purchases of high-end equipment; and that they are acquired fraudulently and not by the holder of the telecommunications services account ”.
Pamela Gidi, Undersecretary of Telecommunications, explained that all companies were officiated that provide mobile phone services in the country to strengthen their protocols “to deal with this type of scams.”
The authority also promised to deepen the inspection in this regard.
“It is an incipient crime that we have to stop before it becomes widespread. Companies have the duty to verify that the people who are requesting the replacement of their SIM card are the same people who have contracted services. For all procedures the company must prove the ownership of the user, either to change the plan, request a subscription or discharge, buy a device and of course, to change the SIM card ”, said Gidi.
Self care
The authority also added that users should understand that “Technology is not infallible”Therefore, they must take precautions in the safeguarding of their personal data, mainly with the serial number of their identity document, preventing third parties from having access to it.
Likewise, it must be verified that the offers correspond to real promotions of the companies and not fall into telephone scams carried out by criminals in order to obtain personal information from users; and that finally end in illicit acts that only harm the contract holders.
For her part, the Undersecretary for Crime Prevention, Katherine Martorell, pointed out that “in this type of crime the complaint is very important “As it allows citizens to be informed for effective prevention, for the police to investigate and arrest those who engage in this scam; and that public policies are generated to address the phenomenon.
“That is why we urge people to communicate if they have been victims, and if they have information to contribute and want to do so anonymously, they can do so through www.denunciaseguro.cl”, he commented.
Finally, Subtel reiterated its call that users who have been harmed by this type of situation, “make the corresponding complaint to the Public Ministry and to the respective telecommunications company, so that an investigation is immediately initiated and determined the corresponding responsibilities ”.