This Monday the Labor Commission of the Lower House began the discussion of the Government’s project for the withdrawal of pension funds, in its second legislative process after its approval last week in the Senate.
During the debate, given the intentions of the opposition, the Minister of Labor, Maria Jose Zaldivar, It closed the door to the possibility of the Executive promoting the forced withdrawal of the silver of those parents who have debts for alimony for their children.
In his argument, he affirmed that “it cannot be that those fathers and mothers who have not financed the maintenance of their children, see their funds for a future pension diminished, because in defintivia what is going to happen is that these fathers do not they are going to take charge of these alimony pensions “, since -he stated- “In the future it will be the entire society that will have to finance it through pensions from the Solidarity Pillar”.
The transitory constitutional reform for the second withdrawal, challenged by the Government before the Constitutional Court and rejected last week in the Senate, contemplates a mechanism of forced withdrawal through subrogation: specifically, it proposes, for example, that the courts can decree the payment of retirement for the benefit of the children of a woman, who then subrogates the right to request the retirement of her ex-partner.
The Executive’s project, meanwhile, only contemplates the retention of funds to maintenance debtors, as it was in the first withdrawal.
Today’s session was expected to be marked by the debate on the co-investing payment of taxes, but from the outset the Minister of Finance, Ignacio Briones, announced that will replace the articles on the reimbursement of funds that they be withdrawn – crossed out by some as a “self-loan” -, a point that was eliminated in the proceedings in the Senate and that was key to the progress of the project.
“We want to debate the proposal that these resources that are withdrawn today due to liquidity problems that some families may have, can be considered that they can be reintegrated, in view of financing pensions in the future,” said the head of the wallet fiscal.
On the end, he assured that the deputies will be able to “reject it”, but the government’s intention “is to be consistent with that principle”, which also in the original text established the obligatory nature of the refund.
[Streaming] Minister Briones proposes before deputies to restore the reimbursement of withdrawn funds, something that the Senate rejected #CooperativeInHome https://t.co/P9rNt7o51z
– Cooperativa (@Cooperativa) November 30, 2020
In the opposition they have announced indications to facilitate the forced withdrawal and also to exempt from the pado taxes on the money that is extracted.
Specifically, in its project the Executive does not exempt anyone who, according to the Income Tax Law, must pay taxes according to their income level – from the 688 thousand pesos of annual average, currently-; Unlike the first withdrawal and the opposition reform for a second, which exempts them all.
In this framework, the deputy Gabriel Silber (DC) stressed that the message of the opposition to the Government is that it does not interfere, cooperate and agree to sponsor these indications “.
“Otherwise, we are going to insist on two thirds in the Chamber for the approval of what we consider, it conforms to the Constitution because in fact a law may have some articles with a superquorum and be voted in that way in the Chamber,” he warned .
He also questioned that “If the government wants to make this a clash of powers, the Chileans are going to lose; and we don’t want this to happen. “
In turn, the RN Frank Sauerbaum advanced that “we have told the Government that If you replace the indications that were rejected in the Senate, at least National Renovation will vote against them“.
Just as there are deputies who ask to exempt everyone, the RD Natalia Castillo stated that those who rent for less than 4.5 million pesos do not pay taxes; while RN Francisco Eguiguren pointed to the 2.5 million threshold.
The ruling party was supported by several in the opposition, such as the deputy Alejandra Sepúlveda (FRVS), who assured that “we have reached a very important agreement between opposition deputies such as government deputies, that from 2.5 million downwards no tax is paid “.
“So today what we tell the government is that the agreement is doneThat the votes are there, what is missing are the indications that we hope the Government can present tomorrow. We hope that the President of the Republic intervenes“, he summoned.
For its part, a threshold of 1.5 million pesos of income proposed the official deputy Frank Sauerbaum (RN), as he said, representing several parliamentarians from Chile Vamos, including Evópoli, a party to which Briones belongs.
“We have been talking with the rest of the deputies from Chile Vamos, also with those who are not in this Commission, from Evópoli, and there is a certain possibility of making a tax reduction in the first two tranches: 1.5 million pesos downwards I would not pay taxes (…) and in that way to be able to give relief to middle class people“, he stated.
He stressed, in that sense, “that if we achieved that, we would have 91 percent of Chileans without paying taxes: we We ask you, minister, formally, to think about it, to think about it, to be able to advance to that arrangement.
The Minister Briones took note but defended La Moneda’s position not to innovate in this matter, that is, do not modify that point.
#Secondoretiro10porciento 📰 | Discussion of the government project that allows the second withdrawal of 10% began.
https://t.co/Rk6LA7fK3W– Deputies and Deputies of Chile (@Camara_cl) November 30, 2020
Other parliamentarians have called for dialogue the Minister of the Segpres, Cristián Monckeberg, who has been more open to discussing positions.
The project was not voted on Monday in the Commission, which will continue to analyze it tomorrow, Tuesday. In the event that the Executive changes its opinion and promotes modifications in tax matters, exercising its authority, the text must also pass to the Finance Commission.
Anyway, already is put on the table to be discussed in the Chamber of the Lower House on Thursday. The session is also called to address the report of the mixed commission on the reform of opposition deputies, but the instance has not yet been convened.