He Ministry of Health He delivered this Saturday a new balance of the country’s situation regarding the coronavirus pandemic.
In detail, the Undersecretary of Assistance Networks, Alberto Dougnac reported that on the last day 2,217 new COVID-19 cases were registered, of which 1,517 are symptomatic.
With the above, Chile has a total of 583,354 infected so far in the pandemic.
Regarding the deceased, The authority specified that the DEIS reported 50 new fatalities, adding a total of 16,101 deaths.
He Minister of Health, Enrique Paris, expressed his concern for the sustained increase in cases throughout the country, which in the The last seven days registered a rise of 22%, while in the last 21 days, it increased by 26%.
“Obviously we are very concerned. We had anticipated this situation and with a long time we were giving notice,” he said.
For this reason, he reiterated the call to citizens to use masks, follow social distancing and frequent hand washing, since it is the only vaccine we have today.
“People on the streets queuing at banks or in other institutions do not respect social distance and that is essential. The only vaccine we have at the moment is the use of masks, social distancing and hand washing” added.
Daily balance # COVID-19
🔹 2,217 new cases
🔹 1,517 cases with symptoms
🔹 666 asymptomatic cases
🔹 34 not notified
🔹 583,354 total cases
🔹 12,591 assets
🔹 554,333 recovered
🔹 50 deaths registered (16,101 in total) pic.twitter.com/xF8xSjJhJv– Ministry of Health (@ministeriosalud) December 19, 2020
He also assured that “Young people are transmitting the virus a lot, they go on the reel, go out to party, drink alcohol, do not wear masks and infect their older adults.
Finally, Paris also highlighted the new record of PCR tests carried out in the country.
“We have surpassed the goal of 6 million PCR tests in Chile. This puts us in the first place in Latin America “, he said, assuring that” this is the basis of our testo traceability and monitoring strategy “.
“We continue to break records for PCR tests and today with more than 40,000 tests, we have exceeded the goal of six million PCR tests in Chile and put us first in Latin America”
Minister @DrEnriqueParis pic.twitter.com/KcI602cOA2
– Ministry of Health (@ministeriosalud) December 19, 2020