The Minister Secretary General of the Presidency, Cristián Monckeberg, together with the Undersecretary for Crime Prevention, Katherine Martorell, reiterated the requirements and clarified doubts regarding the National Plebiscite of this Sunday, October 25.
During a rehearsal of the event, in a polling place located in the commune of Santiago, Minister Monckeberg recalled that the requirements to vote are Identity card (valid or expired as of November 2019), a blue paste pencil and the mandatory use of a mask (without any type of electoral advertising).
The Secretary of State explained what the moment of voting would be like: “One leaves the card on the table, the members do not touch it, one takes off the mask for 3 seconds for the necessary identity verification and then the vote comes. The secret chamber does not have a curtain, also as a measure to avoid contagion ”.
For her part, Undersecretary Martorell reiterated that those people who are in Quarantine (Phase 1) or Transition (Phase 2) communes, they will only need your identity card.
He recalled that the table hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., and added that “the curfew period has been extended so that people can move in a better way and in a calm way.” Thus, according to the Government, the curfew will be lifted exceptionally on Sunday at 4 am until 1 am on Monday, October 26.
About who should carry out interregional travel, Martorell reported that they can move with their identity card and their Servel Consultation from Friday, October 23 “and return without problem until two days after the election. Meanwhile, in those places where there are isolation restrictions for those who arrive, as in the Magallanes and Aysén regions, those who have a negative PCR test up to 72 hours old and their respective identity card will not have any impediment to go to vote”.
However, he emphasized that if the person needs to do a procedure other than voting, it must obtain the corresponding permit in Virtual Police Station or Carabineros.