Government proposes postponing the election of governors: opposition rejects but some sectors evaluate | National


The debate on a possible postponement of the election of regional governors, set for April next year, took hold again after the UDI senator and former Subdere, Claudio Alvarado, point out that with current legislation the authorities would not have sufficient powers to exercise the position.

In the session of the mixed commission to eliminate the inability of regional councilors to nominate deputies or senators, the Minister of the Segpres, Cristián Monckeberg, put the issue on the table.

About, Monckeberg indicated that the intention of the Government is to modify the date of the election to make them fit with the first and second presidential round, set for November and December 2021, in order to order the electoral calendar.

“The alternative of many parliamentarians, and not all, of reviewing the electoral calendar around the election of regional governors has also been taken up, in the spirit of ordering those elections and that they directly engage as has been raised by many with the election presidential in the first and second rounds and obviously the presidential primary would also be the first and the opportunity of the primaries for the election of governor, ”he said.

The majority of the opposition has denied this possibility, however, during the mixed session, the senator of the Socialist Party, José Miguel Insulza, was open to talking about a possible postponement as long as it is legislated so that the governors regional governments have real powers to exercise the position.

“Not all the transfers that are necessary to relatively decentralize the country have been made. The regionalization process has not taken place, so at least I believe that as long as there are not very clear signs that the process is going to take place now and that the regional governors are effectively going to be empowered as they should be and they will have resources to fulfill its function and with clear attributions, there I am willing to talk about deadlines, “he said.

In the same vein, the independent senator, Carlos Bianchi, stated: “I hope that the minister will effectively commit to send us also in parallel to those that we are today reviewing proposals that empower and I believe that there we will all understand that effectively this process has to be extended for a few more months to be able to effectively have authorities, with the empowerment we all want ”.

In the Broad Front, however, they emphasized that they are not in favor of moving the date, as indicated by the president of the Democratic Revolution, Catalina Pérez.

“This is a contempt for democracy that we will not allow. All the opposition sectors have demonstrated to defend the right of the people to choose their representativesWe are not available for this political calculation of a government that fears losing power vis-à-vis the regions, our country has a tremendous debt with decentralization so we cannot allow setbacks ”, he indicated.

According to the ruling party, for governors to take office with clear powers, it is necessary to legislate around two laws: the short law that perfects their powers, and the regional income law.
