Government opens to new AFP withdrawal by way of “self-loan” but with several restrictions | National


The Government continues to refine what would be a new proposal for the Pension Reform, which would be based on three new indications.

During the day yesterday, we learned that La Moneda opened to redistribute 6% again extra individual contribution so that 2% goes to individual accounts; 2% to distribution; and 2% to longevity insurance.

On the occasion, the Minister of Labor, Maria Jose ZaldivarHe pointed out that solidarity should be incorporated into the system.

Likewise, it was confirmed that the Executive considers, in these indications, the possibility that terminally ill patients withdraw all of their pension savings, which has caused a general consensus in the National Congress. Even from the ruling party they are pressing for the sending of a short law.

Let us remember that the bill being processed in the Senate -which is being modified- plans to increase the price by 6%, to allocate the funds in equal parts to a component of individual savings and solidarity, although the opposition intends that everything additional goes to a distribution fund.

During this day, the Minister of Finance, Ignacio Briones, revealed a third guideline that they are modeling and has to do with the option that contributors can withdraw part of the individual capitalization savings as a self-loan for the first home, which was raised by the UDI.

“We have been asked to incorporate or evaluate a series of proposals (…) a longevity insurance, The UDI has spoken of a well restricted self-loan for particular cases. There is the issue of terminal illnesses, which was also covered by the original project. There are several things that were on top of the table that we are evaluating, we are considering, we are modeling ”

Briones warned that this last proposal should be restricted, ensuring that “It should not be forgotten that the obligation to save has a meaning, which is for the moment of retirement”.

Specifically, the eventual self-loan could be requested, for example, to finance the foot of a first home.

The UDI senator and member of the Senate Labor Committee, Jacqueline Van RysselbergheHe announced that the exact details of the modeling are not yet defined, but he asserted that they should boost pensions in the short, medium and long term.

The truth, as La Radio has known, is that there is a high consensus so that the ruling party is grouped in the Government’s indications and is not so dispersed, as has happened in recent months and that ended, among other things, with the approval of the first withdrawal of 10%.

From the opposition, these guidelines that have been known, have caused slight divisions within the members of the Labor committee.

The senator of the Christian Democrats, Carolina Goic, expressed his openness to review the proposal, as long as there is a mechanism to restore the withdrawal.

From the Socialist Party, meanwhile, they affirmed that the modeling of La Moneda would aim, among other things, stop an eventual second withdrawal of 10% that is being processed in the Constitution Commission.

The senator Juan Pablo LetelierHe pointed out that these proposals, which are being known, are confusing and assured that the Government lost its compass in this discussion. In any case, the legislator said he hopes that La Moneda will present its indications as soon as possible.

Government proposal that is also ‘moving the seas’ in the Chamber of Deputies and Deputies, where the Opposition lawmakers are calling this government openness “interesting”, which could delay or dismiss an eventual second withdrawal.
