A few days before the start of the University Transition Test, the Minister of the Interior, Rodrigo Delgado, referred to the call of certain sectors (such as ACES) to boycott the process, stating that “If someone does not agree with the test, to follow the peaceful channels to express it.”
“As the Minister of Education, Raúl Figueroa has stated, there is a special plan that has to do with safeguarding the right of so many families who want to meet the objectives of children, which is to take a good test”he added.
In this sense, Delgado expressed: “Telling people who do not agree that they can express it on social networks, make their thoughts public, but in no case is it acceptable that these people violate the right of those families, who have sacrificed years so that their children, grandchildren, can give a good test and opt for a different life project “.
Meanwhile, the General of the Carabineros, Enrique Monrás, stated that “In the Metropolitan Region we will have around 2 thousand police officers to guard 203 establishments where the test will be given”.
“The call is that if people want to demonstrate, they do so peacefully and away from the establishments”, closed the uniformed.
It should be remembered that the 268,000 students registered for PTU will be divided into two groups: one will take the test on Monday, January 4 and Tuesday, January 5; and the other, on Thursday 7 and Friday 8 January.