This Friday, and hours before the quarantine Total and mandatory throughout Greater Santiago, the Ministry of Economy explained that there are public and private companies that will continue to operate.
This, because they are entities that are fundamental for the country and citizens.
The minister Lucas Palacios In this context, he commented that we are experiencing “the most complicated moment of the pandemic (…) and today the largest and strictest quarantine begins,” which covers 7 million people.
Given this, he stressed that there will be many people “who will continue working for the rest.”
In the area of health, the laboratories, pharmacies, chemical companies and producers of medicines and medical supplies, veterinary and animal care services.
Regarding public utility services, Palacios indicated that the firms of food distribution and production. “Restaurants can only sell in modality delivery ”, he detailed.
In total, there will be 38 communes in the Metropolitan region that will begin a confinement at 22:00 this Friday. Of the nearly 427 thousand companies operating in this sector, around 174 thousand will continue to operate. This equates to just over 2.3 million people who will be working.
It should be noted that many of these companies and services, given the health contingency, will operate with part of their staff in telework mode; and others with less staff capacity in order to protect the health of workers.
The list
-Chemical companies and producers of drugs and medical supplies.
-Veterinary and animal care services.Public utility service industries (with the number of personnel required to avoid interrupting its operation)
-Energy supply companies.
-Potable water supply and wastewater treatment companies.
-Gas supply companies and operations centers.
-Gas stations and fuel distributors.
-Telecommunications and data center services.
-Banks and financial institutions, clearinghouses, transportation of securities.
-Isapres, AFP’s and pension amount consultation system.
-Funerals and cemeteries.
– Garbage collectors, cleaning and washing of public areas and contracted personnel for transportation and recycling process, packaging and containers.
-Mail and delivery companies (subject to sanitary rules).
-Notaries (by shift system).
-Public workers.Food and essential trade
-Supply centers.
-Commercial distribution or essential goods companies.
-Fairs (as established with the Ministry of Agriculture).
-Hardware stores.
-Warehouses and stores for food and other basic supplies attended by their owners.
-Companies dedicated to the distribution and production of food.
-Agricultural food companies and forestry and livestock producers.
-Fishing companies and animal feed production.
-Companies that produce cellulose and paper, cardboard, derivatives of containers and packaging.Security
-Janitors and security officials.
-Security companies.Press
-Media companies (radio, television, written press or web).
-Public transport (buses, metro, metro train).
-Transport of goods (from essential industries).
-Logistics companies.
-Ports, maritime terminals, airfields and railway facilities.