Government decides to remove the director of the Civil Registry Jorge Álvarez from his position


This day the government decided to remove the current director of the Civil Registry, Jorge Álvarez, from his position.

According to the first information reported by the Executive, the determination was made by the management carried out during the period in which he was in office (from 2016 to date).

Likewise, his departure also occurs in a context of providing space for new leaders to face a new stage within the service.

The government also assured that Álvarez’s departure would not be related to the information that emerged in recent days about a police officer infiltrated in Lo Hermida, to whom the agency gave false identities.

Minutes later, the Ministry of Justice sent a statement in which the news was confirmed and it was noted that “the decision was made due to the need for a new leadership to face a new stage that the Civil Registry Service will enter, focused on the modernization of the service and in the development of new technologies focused on user care that implies even more challenging requirements in times of pandemic. In this context, an analysis of the difficulties faced and current challenges was carried out ”.

In the same vein, they informed that Sergio Mierzejewski Lafferte, Engineer in Information and Management Control from the University of Chile, and Master in Business Administration from the Business School of the Adolfo Ibáñez University, will assume as director (s).
