Government confirms return of San Pedro de la Paz at end of sanitary rope | National


Seremi de Transportes of the Bio Bio region, Jaime Aravena, have confirmed that social movement can return to transit through San Pedro de la Pazafter the announcement of the end of the sanitary cord.

The indicated measure began on March 25 and will end on Tuesday at 05:00, however, it will be continued for the Hualpen commune.

“All those services that have been suspended in San Pedro de la Paz can resume their services from tomorrow, like all services of the province of Araucothose who no longer need to make the tour programmed by Patagual, ”the local government added.

According to Seremi, in an interview with Radio Bío Bío, all operators were already informed about the removal of the sanitary cord in addition to the possibility of renewing their services.

For their part, from the lines they would tell him that they must arrangeFind drivers, open terminals and plan the return of buses.

Preventative measures

Regarding preventive measures, Jaime Aravena noted that return does not mean that they can be mobilized without taking precautionary measures.

“The responsibility now lies with us, that is, with all users of public transport, in the sense of taking guarantees and precautions in the case,” Aravena emphasized.

Regarding security measures, Seremi stated that some already installed will be retained, such as bus sanitation, hygiene measures in terminals and that drivers take all precautionssuch as masks. The latter is the same as all those using public transport must comply with obligations.

For this reason, Aravena indicated that support audit vehicles and terminals.

Bus line reaction

Concepcion Taxi Association President Alejandro Riquelme told La Radio that the lines resume its regular routes,

Among the buses that will return to transit through San Pedro de la Paz:

San remo
Riviera Bio Bio
San Pedro del Mar
-New Llacolén
San pedro

The leader added that drivers will have safety measures, such as face masks, as well as gloves and face shields, He also encouraged users to take appropriate preventive measures.

Routes will start from 06:30 to 07:00until the last service goes to 19:00 hoursso that drivers can complete the appropriate route and be able to return to their homes before curfew.

Biotren resumes work

From Fesur, they reported that the Biotrén service for San Pedro de la Paz will be resumed and will stop at all stations.

In addition, five new services will be added for the Coronel-Concepcion corridor:

Lomas Coloradas Concepción: 07:30 (service starts in Lomas)
Concepcion Coronel: 15: 45-18: 20
Colonel Concepcion: 17: 30-19: 10

