24Horas.cl Tvn
The Government clarified the death of a patient in the Hospital San José de Independencia, whose case was denounced by the Federation of Public Health Associations (Fedasap), affirming that the death “It was not for lack of fans.”
According to the undersecretary of Assistance Networks, Arturo Zúñiga, the director of the compound, Luis Escobar, informed him that the person arrived in a very serious condition, but ruled out the lack of these elements.
“The director of the Hospital San José has informed me that this patient arrived in very serious conditions “, assured Zúñiga.
He also stressed that “sand the resuscitation work began, but unfortunately the patient did not respond and died “
Along with regretting the fact, the authority emphasized that the death did not occur due to the lack of fans and that these systems are available to the population.
“We rule out that there has been a lack of fans. This has been corroborated by the director of the hospital,” said the health authority.
Remember that during this day was the Federation of Public Health Associations (Fedasap) the person in charge of reporting what happened, asserting that the lack of a fan would have generated the death of the person.
“We have an occupation of 75% of our intensive care units”
After a meeting of the Red Metropolitano coordination committee, the Undersecretary of Assistance Networks, Arturo Zúñiga, stated that currently there is a 75% occupancy of intensive care units nationwide.
“In recent days we have had an increase in occupation nationwide. We had an average of 63 percent,” he said, noting that “as of today we have an occupation of 75% of our intensive care units.”
“This shows that we have 550 fans available for any citizen who requires it in any hospital or clinic in the country “, added.
Zúñiga stressed that “we are in a pandemic situation” and that from this we must work intensively “so that hospitals are readjusting their beds and making them available to the public.”
In addition, he asserted that the authorities are in a position to move beds, mechanical fans or patients to any region of the country, if necessary due to the demand for care.