Through a statement, La Moneda celebrated that the Constitutional Court (TC) declared unconstitutional the reform proposed by deputies in order to materialize the second 10%, ensuring that they “value” the decision.

“It sets an important precedent and means a solid safeguard of the validity of our institutionality and the rule of law. The decision confirms that the challenged project did not conform to our constitutional order, since it used transitory provisions to establish a regime parallel to the Constitution, without modifying its permanent text, “they stated.

This, inasmuch as they consider that the project in question created a new rule “that directly violated the right to social security and against the exclusive initiative of the President, by establishing social security standards, incorporating additional expenses to the State and generating a tax exemption “.

In that sense, they clarified that this does not affect the second retirement of pension funds, since that was approved and is law, but the product of a bill sent by Palacio. Requests for the second withdrawal remain as they are now, as well as payments.

To close, the Government insisted on the need to approve “as soon as possible the Pension Reform project sent by this administration, which was already approved more than 1 year ago by the Chamber of Deputies, and which allows for a substantial improvement in the pensions of all Chileans and Chileans, and especially the pensions of women and the middle class. “


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