He The government supported this Thursday the policeman who was surprised in the vicinity of the house of prosecutor Ximena Chong, who is investigating the case of the teenager pushed into the Mapocho River by a Special Forces official, and pointed out that the situation was nothing more than a “misunderstanding.”
The persecutor today has protection from the PDI in her home, where on Tuesday night two subjects arrived to leave her a letter by which they threaten her psychological and physical integrity, because – the letter says – “corrupt” officials such as she “has no place in our nation”, so – they warn – they will take the “necessary measures, whatever they may be, to defend our country.”
Even on Wednesday morning, when PDI personnel had already settled in the place, a man on a motorcycle made several laps around Chong’s house, who after being controlled revealed to be a Lieutenant Colonel of the Carabineros, identified as Freddy Vergara. Both facts, which are being investigated, cannot be linked at the moment.
After revealing this latest event, through a video released by the institution, the policeman denied having had any intention of intimidating the prosecutor, as the situation has been interpreted, and pointed out that he passed by because he was going to a mechanical workshop. This, despite the fact that the recording of his camera shows that when he was controlled he told the PDI that he was circulating in the sector because something had “caught his attention” on the way.
Consulted in La Moneda, the undersecretary of the Interior, Juan Francisco Galli, trusted the version of the lieutenant colonel and commented that, “from what the same policeman involved has pointed out, it was a terrible misunderstanding; he was walking publicly, he lives in the vicinity of the place “.
“So, I wouldn’t give it more importance “Galli stressed, pointing out that “if there is a specific complaint to be made regarding that, it is up to the Justice to investigate it.”
The Chilean Association of Prosecutors demanded today in Cooperative “more firmness” to the Government against the threats suffered by Prosecutor Chong, since it is the Executive “in charge of maintaining public order and trying to prevent these situations from happening.”