The president of the Senate Finance Committee, Ximena Rincon (Christian Democracy), announced progress in negotiations between Congress and the Government to redesign the instruments of financial support to face the Covid-19 epidemic.
The legislator revealed this afternoon that there is an agreement between the opposition congressmen and the Executive to expand the coverage of the Emergency Family Income (IFE), which will go from 60 to 80 percent of the families entered in the Social Registry of Households.
In addition, the parliamentarians presented a minute to the government authorities with other requests that are being analyzed by the Minister of Finance, Rodrigo Cerda, including benefits to SMEs in gastronomy, tourism and culture.
The government and opposition agreed to expand the IFE from 60 to 80% of families in the Social Household Registry, but negotiations continue on several other requests presented to the Executive, as benefits to SMEs in gastronomy, tourism and culture.@Cooperative
– Jorge Espinoza Cuellar (@espinozacuellar) March 30, 2021
Earlier, Rincón, alluding to the meeting the day before of President Sebastián Piñera with the president of the Senate, Yasna Provoste (DC), explained that among the demands made by the congressmen at the work table with the Executive, it was highlighted expanding the universe of beneficiaries, improving the amounts and simplifying the system.
“We are talking to see how we take charge of the agreement between the president of the Senate and the President of the Republic regarding having a social network for men and women of our country, which takes charge of the serious situation faced by millions of men and women in Chile, “said the Falangist parliamentarian.
“That means improving what we have today, both in the Emergency Family Income; an integral, universal, automatic IFE for three months, as well as that the Middle Class Bond improves the universe, improve the amounts and improve from the point of view of unlocking the system that is cumbersome, slow and full of requirements, which means that it finally does not reach men and women, “said the senator.
“The deal is going to close when it closes, and that means when all the conditions are in place to reach an agreement that responds to what the president of the Senate, the vice president of the Chamber and the President of the Republic have spoken yesterday, “said Rincón.
We are fighting to expand coverage of #BonoClaseMedia and Solidarity Loans to more families.
It must reach informal workers, all pensioners (be it from the IPS, AFP with programmed retirement or life annuity), artists and consider mothers with a protected subsidy.– Ximena Rincón (@ximerincon) March 30, 2021
Last Sunday, President Piñera announced the sending of the reform that postpones the elections from April to May, in consideration of the health situation. After that, the matches of the opposition made its willingness to support the initiative contingent on the need for the government to provide the population with some kind of assistance to cope with the current economic crisis.
The message, with immediate discussion, jumped its first hurdle in Congress on Tuesday when it was approved in general by the united commissions of the Interior Government and the Constitution of the Lower House.
Considering these demands, President Piñera pointed out this morning that in all the blocks they have understood that “it always has to be first protect the health and life of Chileans above any other consideration of a political nature. “
“We are always willing to perfect, improve and incorporate groups that may have been left out,” added the President, because the commitment and the will of our Government is that no one is left without help, no one is left without accompaniment and relief, if you need it. “
In parallel, the opposition members of the Lower House Health Commission presented this Tuesday a series of health proposals to improve the management of the Covid-19 emergency.
“We understand the frustration of Minister Paris, but it does not help us that he comes to report on everything that has been done and cannot give us an account of what modifications are going to be made from now on. We have prepared a document with concrete proposals on how to improve and make health policy more effective“, explained the deputy Miguel Crispi (Democratic Revolution), president of the organ.
“They are close to 20 proposals in terms of testing, traceability and isolation; in matters of the coherence and consistency of the ‘Step by Step’ plan; in matters of quarantine effectiveness; from limit entry of new variants SARS-CoV-2; and to optimize the strategy of vaccination“, the legislator pointed out.
As pdte. of the Health Commission, together with its members and other parliamentarians, we delivered a document with health proposals to face this critical moment, which has us with the imminent collapse of the Health network. @CatalinaPerezS @diego_ibanezc @andreaparras pic.twitter.com/6d3hkspZrR
– Miguel Crispi (@MiguelCrispiS) March 30, 2021