Gonzalo Ramírez starred in a tense crossing ‘live’ with an interviewee


During this Tuesday’s episode of Good Morning Everyone, there was a tense moment. It turns out that they invited various experts to analyze criminal issues that have taken over the national agenda this week. It was then that Gonzalo Ramírez had an exchange of words with one of the interviewees.

In the morning they assembled a panel of experts to address the different aspects of the subject. There was the social leader of La Pintana, Pamela Poveda; the psychologist Pamela Lagos and the executive director of Fundación Chile 21, Eduardo Vergara. It was precisely the latter who starred in the rough crossing with the driver of the morning.

The panel was talking about the role of prisons in the social reintegration of people, when Vergara said: “I disagree with what was said previously. This is not a path of no return, there is a lot of evidence and examples that rehabilitation and reintegration work when people leave prison and have job opportunities ”.

“We cannot fall into that caricature that criminals are little less than animals that have already taken a way of life and are not going to have a return and that we have to discard and imprison them,” he said, exposing the Colombian system, generating the reaction of the journalist .

“Yes, but let’s ask the question if the Chilean penal system is making that problem. You give me the example of Colombia, but that doesn’t happen here. Here the feeling that one has is that the criminal enters and leaves more crime lord of the jail and learns more tricks, ”said Gonzalo Ramírez.

“I have not treated anyone badly”

To which the expert replied: “Okay, but that does not give you any attribution to treat these people as they have no return and that we have to give up …”, at that, he was interrupted by the driver of the morning .

“I have not treated anyone badly. It is desirable that they be reinserted. Sorry, of course we all aspire to that, as well as we aspire not only to be locked up, but also to generate something to maintain, because that costs the treasury and all of us a lot of money, “he said.

“Many of them could very well do something useful, right? And that is not treating them badly or taking their human rights “he concluded.

Watch the tense moment starring Gonzalo Ramírez
