Giovanni exists: Carabineros would have supplanted real identity to infiltrate Lo Hermida | National


A 21-year-old young man from Alto Hospicio denounced that he was the real Giovanni Arévalo, a name used by a policeman to infiltrate organizations of the Lo Hermida population in the Peñalolén commune and where he incited to attack the uniformed institution.

According to Ciper, the young man maintains that he was detained a few months ago by the Carabineros and in that operation he lost his wallet, which contained, among other documents, his identity card, which he could never recover.

“What happens is that, at that time, the Carabineros arrested me. And I lost my wallet with my card and other documents. I lost it during my arrest. And that wallet never appeared again, “he said.

Obviously after this event, the young man had to go to the Civil Registry to obtain a new identity card. “Then I had to renew the card”, explained.

The infiltrated carabinero appeared around the same dates (June 2020) in the Lo Hermida population, claiming to have been born in Alto Hospicio and showing a card with ID 19.979.XXX-X, data that coincide with the young complainant.

“When the police released me, I went to the place where they arrested me, and my wallet was missing. The police did not return my things to me either. I believe that the Carabineros supplanted my identity ”, he highlighted.

Only this Friday, when the news of the carabinero infiltrated in Lo Hermida spread, upon being discovered for his participation in a successful program on Channel 13, did he see that his data was being used for the “Intelligence” operation.

But the RUT of 19 million was not the only one used by the infiltrated policeman, but also made a deposit with a RUT account started at 14 million.

According to Ciper, both RUTs have a birth certificate, while the one initiated in 19 million has parents with RUT and is authorized to vote in the plebiscite of October 25, the 14 million parents appear without an identification number. And the other difference: Giovanni appears in one and Giovanny in the second.
