Gino Costa comes out to deny cahuín about lawsuit with Cristian de la Fuente


During Hugo Valencia’s program with Sergio Rojas on Instagram’s online transmissions, called “What do I tell you”, it was that a cahuín began to comment that not even the protagonists of the story itself knew they were part.

It turns out that Gino Costa, a TVN journalist, made a report on Vichuquén and, according to Rojas’ program, that was the trigger for the alleged fight between the two characters, as one of the data in said report had been wrong, which would have, in theory, annoyed the actor.

But the reality was not as picturesque as it wanted to be posed. In reality, Gino had no idea where they got it from, saying that “It’s a lie! I spoke with Cristian with the utmost good vibes and he gave me some information that, as a journalist, they are grateful, about the legislation of Lake Vichuquén, was super supportive, even “.

Commenting with The fourthHe tells us how he found out about this hood, since for him it had not been that way, so he was surprised. “They sent me a link to a portal, where I find Sergio’s program with Hugo. I know Hugo and I said ‘but oh well, how could you not ask me?’ Also, everyone who knows me knows that I am the most peaceful, least conflictive hueón there is. I don’t even argue with my family ”, concluded Gino.

Gino expressed himself, for the last time, saying that he does not want this pecan to grow, so he went out to deny all the rumors, since, according to his own words, “this whole issue is a lie”
