It is final. The Gas Sur company must pay the fine of almost 600 million pesos established by the Superintendency of Electricity and Fuels due to the irregularities detected after the explosion of the German Sanatorium in April 2018.

The sanction imposed by the inspection body is related to GasSur’s failure to comply with the not having kept the plans of the gas network and the construction of the junction inside the clinic, as well as facilities that did not meet the legal and regulatory standards at the time of the emergency, among other observations.

In the judgment handed down by the highest court in the country, it is stated that the company did not present evidence to disprove the conclusions of the SEC investigation and therefore leaving firm, that is, as final, the fine of 11 thousand UTM, equivalent to $ 561,319,000, plus interest and readjustments.

Regarding the resolution, the lawyer Víctor Álvarez, for the family of one of the workers killed in the explosion, indicated that it will be a precedent in the compensation claim filed against GasSur, while the company only indicated that they will abide by the Supreme Court ruling.