Georgia confirms Biden’s win by completing manual count


The State of Georgia (USA) confirmed this Thursday the victory of Democrat Joe Biden in the presidential elections after completing the manual counting of the votes that hardly changed the results.

Biden got 2,475,141 votes (49.5 percent) ahead of the still president, Donald Trump, with 2,462,857 (49.3 percent), according to the Georgia Secretary of State, the state’s electoral authority.

With the manual recount, Trump cut about 2,000 votes as a result of human errors during the scrutiny, but they were not enough to catch up with Biden, winner with a final difference of 12,284 votes.

Biden thus became the first Democrat to win in southern Georgia since 1992 did Bill Clinton.

The Secretary of State made the count public after today a federal court in Atlanta (Georgia) rejected the umpteenth lawsuit brought by the Trump campaign which was intended to delay the certification (officialization) of the results.

Thus, it is Georgia is expected to make these results official this Friday, which will confirm the assignment of your 16 delegates in the Electoral College a Biden.


As the difference is less than 0.5 percent, the electoral law in Georgia allows the Trump campaign to request a new recount until next Tuesday, this time mechanical.

Trump has referred to the manual recount in Georgia repeatedly pouring out accusations without evidence and has criticized the Secretary of State, the highest electoral authority, Republican Brad Raffensperger, who has received death threats.

“The false count that is happening in Georgia does not mean anything, because they do not allow the signatures to be examined and verified,” the outgoing president said this week on Twitter, who still has not recognized his electoral defeat.

Trump and his allies have propagated the theory refuted by Raffensperger himself that in Georgia mail ballots cannot be verified which would have led to them voting even dead.

Raffensperger, in fact, has stated that Trump self-boycotted himself by delegitimizing voting by mail in the midst of the pandemic, which resulted in lower Republican voter turnout than in the spring primaries, which would have cost the state.
