General of the Carabineros repelled the robbery of a vehicle in Quilicura


The Santiago Oeste de Carabineros area chief, Enrique Monras, He was shot at with a group of subjects who had tried to assault some people in Quilicura on Thursday afternoon.

According to the institution, the general was moving through the Marcoleta sector with Avenida Presidente Eduardo Frei Montalva in the direction of downtown Santiago when he realized that at least four men were trying to steal a vehicle.

Monrás intervened and there was an exchange of shots with the unknown, before a brief pursuit of two of those involved, which ended with the arrest of both.

“We have the seizure of two vehicles, two detainees, there are one or two weapons apparently that are being examined to see if they are of the conventional or blank type, and contact was made with the North Central Prosecutor’s Office, in order to be able to begin to carry out all that is the investigative and expert work by Labocar, the SEP and the OS9 “, detailed Colonel Sergio Cornejo.

The police continue to investigate this fact, removing the requisitioned weapons and taking samples, while General Monrás is giving statements. In addition, one of the detainees would have been injured in the frustrated assault.
