Gendarmerie says rapist who killed a child has an exit permit thanks to court ruling | National


The Gendarmerie issued a statement on Tuesday afternoon regarding the exit benefits of Héctor Riveros Retamal, convicted of the murder and rape of a 13-year-old boy in Parral in 2000.

In the statement, the institution explains that Riveros entered the Center for
Education and Work in Talca, a semi-open establishment, where it has had
good behavior, so he was able to access benefits progressively.

In the first semester of the year 2020 – in accordance with the regulations in force at that time, it was for the first time, postulated by the Gendarmerie for Parole, a postulation that was rejected by the Parole Commission. Faced with this decision, the defense of the convicted person presented an Appeal for Amparo, which was rejected, both by the Talca Court of Appeals and by the Supreme Court.

Following the rulings of justice, GEndarmería reassessed Riveros’s situation and his permanence in the CET, so in June 2020 the Gendarmería Directorate in Maule ordered his return to the Talca prison and the suspension of exit permits.

“Against this decision, the defense of the convicted person filed a new Appeal for Amparo,
pointing out that the Gendarmerie measure was illegal and arbitrary. This resource was welcomed
by the Court of Appeals of Talca and ratified by the Supreme Court, ordering the
restitution of the protected person to his situation prior to the filing of the appeal, therefore
had to be re-entered the Talca CET and had his permits
exit by the Chilean Gendarmerie ”, concludes the statement.

For this reason, Riveros has even visited the city of Parral on some occasions, where the victim’s mother lives, whom he has met on the street.
