Gabriela Mistral revived at a Montegrande bus stop: books available to everyone in the poet’s valley


Due to the commemoration of the 75 years since Gabriela Mistral obtained the Nobel Prize for Literature, the Digital Public Library, of the Ministry of Cultures, Arts and Heritage, joined the initiative of the Paihuano commune and the Montegrande Public School, which seeks to make their whereabouts a place for reading and meeting with the first woman in Latin America to win the Nobel Prize in Literature.

“This initiative brings together more than 30 books for free and free download, thus further enriching this tourist and cultural route around the life of the poet. We want more girls, boys and young people to have the opportunity to meet our Nobel Prize of Literature beyond his childhood rounds and let himself be enchanted by the impressive validity of his thought “, declared the Minister of Cultures, Arts and Heritage, Consuelo Valdés, from the commune of Paihuano.

The loan point is available to residents and tourists at the bus stop that is located in front of the Typical Zone of Montegrande, declared in 1990. This includes the house-school where the Chilean poet lived, her tomb and mausoleum, and an old farmhouse near the town square.

This as a tribute to the poet that despite being born in Vicuña, Gabriela felt Montegrande as her “little homeland”.

There he lived between the ages of three and 11, along with his sister Emelina and his mother Petita. At the local school, he learned to read and write, and attended the first four years of schooling, becoming interested in learning about botany, geography and a little astronomy. He also participated in the harvest and “peel” of peaches, and learned the legends, fables and tales of Elqui. All these experiences will mark his poetry and work.

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Books for all ages

During her trip around the world, Gabriela Mistral carried with her in a small box, where she kept a handful of Elqui land. To the same one to which he asked to return after his death and today brings together thousands of visitors who from different parts of Chile and the world travel to know the origins of one of the most relevant intellectuals of the 20th century.

The books that can be found in the Biblio Paradero Mistral range from those works that the poet published during her life as “Lagar” (1954), to anthologies that have been made posthumously as “Poema de Chile”. Poetry and prose are the protagonists of a collection where his look around the country, the world and identity is recovered, with editions whose themes are still valid.

Girls and boys will also be able to access illustrated versions of her poems and venture into a series of adaptations that the poet made of classic children’s stories. “Cinderella”, “Sleeping Beauty in the forest”, “Little Red Riding Hood” and “Snow White in the house of the dwarfs” are just some of the 33 covers that will be available at the whereabouts and that have aroused great editorial interest .

Bring the reading closer to the public

The installation seeks to generate access to books available in BPDigital for direct download by scanning QR codes. For this, users must have installed, in addition to a QR code scanner, the BPDigital APP on their mobile devices.

Users will be able to download free to their cell phones or tablets the books that will accompany Gabriela Mistral in the panels. This will be an opportunity to disseminate and bring the work of the Chilean writer to the community in which she shared.

Likewise, this intervention has been conceived as a community space around reading, in which attendees will discover digital collections which, once downloaded to their mobile devices, can be read from any other space.
