Fundación Chile 21 asks Interior and Defense for explanations for the use of logos of the police and armed forces in the Rejection strip


In the opinion of Eduardo Vergara, executive director of Chile 21, it is “very serious” that the institutional logos of Carabineros, PDI, Army, Navy and Air Force are used in the Rejection strip, gathered under the National Multigremial of the Armed Forces and retired policemen.

“The Ministers of Interior and Defense must explain the use of police institutions and armed forces in the Rejection strip. These are apolitical institutions that cannot take positions of this kind. This is serious and explanations of the case are urgent. Regardless of whether their logos are grouped together in an interest group such as the multigremial, they are putting on screen the institutional identity of our police and armed forces. “

The former head of the Public Security Division of the Interior Ministry called on the Defense authorities to request explanations regarding the authorization that the multigremial has to use institutional logos. “This creates a feeling that the institutions themselves are participating in political actions,” he added.

“The armed forces such as Carabineros are institutions that cannot participate in politics. The same constitutional organic law of this police in its article 2 defines them as apolitical and expressly indicates that the use of their emblems corresponds exclusively to the institution and its personnel. It would be good that once and for all both ministries assume their responsibilities and demand explanations from these institutions, “he said.

Along these lines, Vergara asked the government to take immediate action to prevent police and military institutions from being seen as political commands.

“We have already seen signs of the politicization of the police when the government decides to apply the law only against its adversaries, using the police for these purposes. Now we are faced with an electoral and political act, and to confuse the public in this way associating these institutions with a political option is to expose them in an irresponsible way but above all to undermine their legitimacy in their work of security and public order. With what legitimacy are the police and armed forces going to be able to work during the plebiscite if their logos appear to support a political option? ”She said.
