It is syndicated as one of the authors of the millionaire robbery at Santiago Airport in which a dozen individuals managed to steal $ 13 billion from the Aerosan warehouses on March 9, but has not yet been arrested. That is the procedural state that faces today Eliazar Parra Santibáñez that – unlike the rest of the gang – has not yet been found by the Investigative Police, which has an arrest warrant against him.
In a judicial maneuver his lawyer Mariano Geoffroy A few days ago, he filed an appeal for protection with the Santiago Court of Appeals against the Public Ministry and PDI. “My client tells me that PDI officials are attending his home, looking for him without finding him. At the same time, other PDI officials question neighbors, displaying photos of him and asking about his whereabouts. This defense tried to find out what the investigation carried out against my client is about, and could not find any cause. Violating his right to defense ”.
Although at first the capital’s appeals court declared the amparo inadmissible because the life of the accused was not at risk, it was the Supreme Court which accepted an appeal and ordered that the appeal continue to be processed. This is how the capital’s appeal court then officiated at the Public Ministry, the PDI and the Santiago First Guarantee Court itself to provide information on why the police are looking for Parra Santibañaez.
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The first to answer was a prosecutor from the eastern zone, and that is that one of the orders that the PDI processes, apart from the one of the robbery at the airport, has to do with a murder case in which Parra would also have author status. “On December 18, 2018, upon request of the Public Ministry, the 13th Santiago Guarantee Court, resolved to issue an arrest warrant indefinitely, against the accused Parra Santibañez It should be noted that the order was requested in order to ensure the appearance of the accused at a formalization hearing for the investigated crime of homicide, ”prosecutor Jorge Belaúnde reported.
Now it is the turn of the West Prosecutor’s Office, the PDI and the court with jurisdiction in Pudahuel who, must detail, the defense of Parra about his judicial situation in the newly named Robo del Siglo in which there are already 6 accused in preventive detention included his leader Eloy Varas.