The actor Carlos Villagrán, better known as “Quico”, for his character in the famous series “El Chavo del 8”, recently published an image where he appears with his six children when they were still children. A portrait that filled his followers on Instagram with nostalgia.
The Mexican interpreter procreated Paulo, Sylvia, Samantha and Edson, in his first marriage to Silvia Salinas; while Gustavo and Vanessa They are from his second nuptials with Graciela Rivera.
In the publication, Villagrán tagged each of them and, although one keeps their profile private, on the social network you can see what they are currently doing.
According to his profile on the social network for visual creators Behance, Paulo is a lecturer, teacher, illustrator and graphic designer. While on his Instagram account, where he has more than 21 thousand followers, you can see his work as an artist.
Paulo, 42, lives in the city of Querétaro, in his native Mexico. He has worked in the creation of projects for large international music and food companies.
The youngest of Villagrán’s daughters is the most popular on social networks and has devoted herself to spreading the artistic work of her father, whom she affectionately calls “papeto.”
In his profile, you can see photographs of Carlos Villagrán in his best time of fame with his character and also of his current life. Vanessa has an 11-year-old daughter named Scarlett.
The third daughter of the legendary actor has a YouTube channel called “Sammy Chuladas”, where he has more than a million and a half subscribers, dedicated to crafts and cooking recipes.
Less known
Very little is known about the other children. Edson, the oldest of the boys, is dedicated to music and organizing events.
While Sylvia, the first-born of Villagrán, seems to have inherited the histrionic gifts of her father. In his social networks, he shares videos interpreting funny characters.
Gustavo is the one who keeps his private life the most reserved, very little is known about him. Although her sister, Vanessa, has shared photos of what she looks like today.
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