Fraud would be $ 780 million: Viña del Mar’s “Overtime” case will have 3 formalized this Tuesday | National


The former municipal administrator and current director of the Legal Department Pablo Staig, the director of the Finance area, Manuel Echevarría; and Javier Vásquez, accountant and municipal official, will be formalized tomorrow Tuesday for fraud to the Treasury in the noisy case of overtime that shakes Viña del Mar.

Since 2012 there were legal actions, but it was a report from the Comptroller’s Office – which concluded that they had 445 people illegally receiving overtime – the one who started a process that finds the three formalized persons.

For the plaintiff, all this is insufficient. Since the Viña Transparente foundation they have affirmed that Mayor Virginia Reginato should be legally responsible and are questioning the $ 56 million that was defined as the amount defrauded by the State Defense Council (CDE), noting that would be $ 780 million at least.

That is why they will ask for a hearing of caution. This strategy, which is normally used by the accused, seeks to recheck all the antecedents to make sure that the amounts and terms are well defined.

Javier Gomez, plaintiff and president of Viña Transparente, indicated that they will ask for preventive detention.

Miguel Alfaro, defense attorney for the three accused officials, indicated that Comptroller’s Office defined a different calculation criteria in 2013 for the overtime pay that was historically used.

Specifically, that formula applied since 1996 incorporating the average payment of the previous year.

Alfaro says there is no crime here and that all this research is explained by a type of calculation of the payment of a municipal worker.

Despite this, and in the worst case, the lawyer pointed out that none of those involved had any relationship with the calculation of that payment.

The CDE and the councilor Marcela Varas (PPD) also appear as complainants in the hearing of the Viñamarino Guarantee Court that will begin at 09:00 hours and will take place virtually.
