Francisco Vidal (PPD) confirms his presidential candidacy: “I will launch it after Sunday”


A series of calls began today the vice president of the PPD, Francisco Vidal. In those conversations, the former government spokesman informed the parliamentarians and regional presidents of his party of his decision on a dilemma that he had been analyzing for months: be the presidential candidate of your community.

The definition comes after the former government spokesperson declined – despite internal pressures – from being the letter of his party for the metropolitan government, a candidacy that the former Minister of Health ended up assuming, Helia Molina. In that sense, the current vice president of the PPD settled a difficult candidacy that, among other things, would make him face the current president of his community, Heraldo Muñoz.

“Indeed I told them the following: I am going to compete in the presidential one”, confirmed Vidal to Third.

He also added: “Since many people have told me to run for the PPD candidacy, I called the parliamentarians and told them I was ready.”

Also, the former minister said that the launch will be post-plebiscite. I’ll release it after Sunday, because I do not want to confuse that the first task is the approval, “he said, adding that he also communicated his decision to the regional presidents of the PPD.

In addition, the former secretary of state also took a position on the way he hopes his party defines his letter for La Moneda. “The definition of the PPD will be taken by the national council on December 5 (…) In that council, the mechanism by which the PPD will define its presidential candidate will be defined. There are three of them, one behind closed doors, which is the national council, which I don’t like. Another that is the national primary, the one that I like and another that is by survey, “he said.
