The Ministry of Health reported on Thursday the changes in the Step by Step plan that will begin to be applied to tell of this Saturday March 6 at 05.00 hours. This time a total of 43 communes fell back, twelve of them in the RM and 9 in Biobío.
The minister Enrique Paris indicated that there is much concern about the increase in cases in the Biobío Region and therefore, many changes had to be made in the stage in which there were several communes, where seven of them remained in quarantine (Phase 1).
Regarding the communes that regress to Transition (Step 2), the Undersecretary of Health, Paula Daza, detailed that in the RAntofagasta region the commune of Taltal; in the Coquimbo Region they will Paihuano and Ovalle; in the Valparaíso Region they will Petorca, Rinconada, Hijuelas, San Felipe and Casablanca.
In the Metropolitan Region 12 communes regress to Transition: Peñalolén, Paine, San Ramón, Maipú, Recoleta, Lampa, La Granja, Calera de Tango, San Bernando, La Pintana, Independencia and Macul.
In this way, 32 of the 52 communes that the RM will be in this stage as of Thursday, adding 5,814,822 people, that is, 71.57% of the population of the capital.
Meanwhile, in the O’Higgins Region the communes of Christmas, San Fernando, La Estrella, Rancagua and Machalí and in the Maule region they will do it Chanco and Villa Alegre.
In Biobío also San Rosendo and Mulchén also fall back to Transition, as does Pitrufquén and Teodoro Schmidt in the Araucanía region.
They also go to quarantine Palmilla (O’Higgins Region), Chiguayante, Hualpén, Talcahuano, Penco, Hualqui, San Pedro de la Paz, Concepción (Bio bio region). Same for Freire, Renaico, Temuco (Araucanía Region) and The Union (Ríos Region).
Regarding these communes and the return to classes, the Undersecretary of Health explained that in these communes “the children have to continue their educational activities in a telematic way ”.
Meanwhile, the communes of Mary Pinto (RM); Tucapel, Birth (Bio bio region), Pucón, Gorbea ((Araucanía Region) and Curaco de Velez (Los Lagos Region) will advance to Preparation.
The only commune in the country that advances to Initial Opening is Timaukel, in the Magallanes Region.
Due to these modifications in the Step by Step Plan, Four out of every five Chileans will be in a commune under quarantine or transition from this Thursday.
This is because, according to the breakdown, there will be 50 communes in Preparation, 182 in Transition, 95 in Preparation and 19 in Initial Opening. And among the 232 communes that will be in one of the first two phases, there are 15,876,291 inhabitants, equivalent to 81.59% of the population.
Finally, Daza explained that the changes were due to the fact that a “Sustained increase in the number of cases in different regions of the country.”
“In the last Seven days we have seen a 16% increase, and in the last 8 days a 14% increase in some regions. We have also seen an increase in positivity and obviously the cause is many variables such as that we have been in a pandemic for a year and in health measures pandemic fatigue occurs and that is why we have developed this plan and the important thing is that we have to continue taking care of ourselves”, Detailed the authority.
In this sense, he reiterated the call to the population to continue applying self-care measures, and commented that the Ministry of Health is “implementing strategies to strengthen the active search for cases, surveillance and isolation.”