When relationships are broken, there is nothing to do. That seems the case between Walter Montillo Y the U, or rather with their leaders.
The “Squirrel”, who had already communicated his wish not to continue in the club and to retire permanently from football, Yesterday he expressed his feelings in an emotional video in which he explained to the fans the reasons for his departure.
“I made the decision to continue with my contract until January 31, and after that I am going to step aside. As I promised, as I told you, and as I want, I want this to be my last shirt “, stamp.
It seemed like a goodbye, but not so much. It turns out that, as he announced today in El Mercurio, Montillo would have agreed to make that recording only if the club promised not to edit or censor a single word of his message.
According to the newspaper, one of the 36-year-old’s fears was that it was not clear why the breakup between him and Azul Azul originated. especially “when it comes to reiterating that the club’s deadlines and theirs were not compatible to enroll their children.”
Was it in the plans for 2021?
The same publication points out that, despite the fact that the blue leaders offered him an extension of his contract at the last minute, under the same conditions, for one more year, they didn’t really want it for 2021.
“He was here to play for two more years, but he doesn’t want to play anywhere other than U. There was a very good chance in MLS, but he decided to retire. “A source in his circle commented to the aforementioned medium.
Rafael Dudamel’s staff will seek to leave this whole bitter episode behind this Sunday, at 6:00 p.m. at the National Stadium, place where they will face UC in a new version of the University Classic, and incidentally complicate the path of the crusaders to an eventual three-time championship.