[Fotos] Woman who walked a tiger cub through the mall turned on social networks


The case of a woman who was caught with a Bengal tiger cub in the corridors of a shopping center in Mexico caused outrage on social networks by considering it illegal and dangerous to treat said animal as a pet. It was Zaira M, a user on Twitter, who spread the photos at the same time that she showed her disagreement as she assured that, “in accordance with NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010 -which aims to identify the species or populations of flora and fauna wild – the tiger is classified as an endangered species, so the possession of one of these specimens is illegal. ” Witnesses report that the owner of the tiger, whom they identified as Mina, assured that it is not illegal because they are sold through official sellers of exotic animals born in captivity. Leticia Varela, deputy for Coyoacán and Benito Juárez and animal protector, reported on her Twitter account that the Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection is already analyzing “how it was acquired and who authorized the procedure”

