Former Minister Rojas: “Mañalich has a reserved place among the greats of our history”


After opposition parliamentarians presented a constitutional accusation against former Minister of Health Jaime Mañalich for his management in the context of the coronavirus, another former member of Sebastián Piñera’s government cabinet came to his defense.

Mañalich was backed by Mauricio Rojas, a historian remembered for being in command of the Ministry of Cultures for four days in August 2018. “The accusation against Jaime Mañalich is an aberrant display of smallness and political hatred,” he said.

Rojas maintained that “Mañalich has a reserved place among the greats of our history and it will not be taken away by a few discredited people with the salary of parliamentarians “.

This is not the first time that Mauricio Rojas has made a strong defense of the work of Jaime Mañalich in the middle of the crisis due to covid-19. In mid-May, when the figures showed the worst moment of the pandemic in Chile, the former minister of cultures said that “in the future the name of Jaime Mañalich will be among our heroes.”
