Foreign Minister sent message to Chilean ambassadors abroad


This Friday, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Andrés Allamand sent to the Chilean ambassadors abroad a document entitled “One year after 18-O: The democratic and institutional path of Chile”, sharing a message that seeks to establish a common position regarding the current situation in the country after the social outbreak of a year ago.

The document published by 24 Horas consists of 10 pages and the Chilean Foreign Minister points out that “a year ago, in October 2019, Chile experienced a social outbreak. Such an outbreak mixed two elements: unusual and unknown violence, the clearest expression of which was destruction. from various stations and Metro cars in Santiago and peaceful protest demonstrations, which in some cases were massive. “

Later, the Chancellor states that “the outbreak evolved into a political crisis, which was channeled through an agreement, at the request of the President of the Republic, Sebastián Piñera, reached by all political forces -with the sole exception of the Communist Party- to call a plebiscite and draft a new Constitution ”.

According to the document shared by Chancellor Allamand, “One year after the outbreak, Chile has recovered its normality – although it will have to continue working to control, with strict adherence to the law, violent groups – and is preparing to face its next challenges”. Among these, he mentions that it must “move towards a stronger democracy, characterized by high citizen participation and respect for its institutions. Promote a more integrated society, with full incorporation of its most vulnerable sectors and indigenous peoples. Promote a more inclusive economy, with fewer inequalities and greater equity in opportunities. “

The Chilean Foreign Minister and the Plebiscite of October 25

The Secretary of State also highlights that “during the last 30 years, Chile has achieved a well-earned reputation in the world for its trajectory of progress based on the energy of its democracy, the resilience of its people, the fulfillment of its commitments, the seriousness of its public policies, the solidity of its institutions and respect for the rule of law. All these factors are present in Chile today and are the basis of its projection into the future. “

Likewise, the head of the Chancellery mentions the option that the result of the Plebiscite of October 25 provides the possibility of “writing a new Constitution.”. Otherwise, it maintains that “the constitutional change must take place in the National Congress. In any case: the Convention may not invade, as has happened in other countries in the region, the powers of other powers of the State. The Convention must adopt its agreements by 2/3 of its members, which requires a broad majority to reach understandings. The Convention must respect the international treaties adopted by Chile, including human rights and economic aspects, such as the protection of foreign investments. At the same time, authorities at all levels will be elected in 2021: local, regional and national governments. The presidential election is scheduled for November and the eventual ballot for December. Chile’s challenge is to channel its political process in an environment of normality and social peace ” .
