For the first time since March, when the initial quarantine was implemented for seven communes in the northeastern area of Santiago, the Metropolitan Region will be completely “liberated” from said sanitary measure.
The Government announced this Thursday that on Saturday at 05:00 in the morning they will go to phase two -of “transition” – of the Step by Step plan, Renca and Paine, the only two communes in the Metropolitan Region that remained in the first phase, of “quarantine”.
The mayor of Renca, Claudio Castro, explained that “weeks ago we had an increase in itinerant commerce and being in quarantine generated a somewhat ambivalent situation, in which, on the one hand, we had to prevent them from carrying out this type of activity“.
“That also diverted us from focusing on the use of the mask, in physical distance, in avoiding crowds“added the authority.
In regions, the communes of Alto Hospicio, Iquique, Copiapó, Tierra Amarilla, Ovalle, La Calera, Santa Cruz, Chillán and Chillán Viejo.
With this, the inhabitants of these communes They may be mobilized without the need to request authorization from the Carabineros from Monday to Friday, outside of curfew hours. Single Saturday and Sunday the mandatory confinement will remain in force.
In today’s televised report, the Ministry of Health also announced the advance to phase 3, of “preparation”, of eight capital communes: Huechuraba, Quinta Normal, María Pinto, Curacaví, Colina, El Bosque, Recoleta and Cerrillos.
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Step 3 – Preparation from Monday 5 at 05:00 hrs
Normal farm
Maria Pinto
The forest
CerrillosStep 2 – Transition from Saturday 3 at 05:00 hrs
Renca pic.twitter.com/uE0Hq8CumN– Ministry of Health (@ministeriosalud) October 1, 2020
The same step will take four communes of the River region, while the same number will go back to quarantine in Los Lagos: Osorno, Frutillar, San Juan de la Costa and Río Negro.
In the same way, Coihueco, in the Ñuble Region, will also enter quarantine; and Loncoche, Carahue and Puerto Saavedra, in La Araucanía.
Likewise, it was reported that they regress to phase 2, of “transition”, a total of 17 communes: Teno, Maule, Angol, Villarrica, Victoria, Nueva Imperial, Renaico, Lautaro, Cunco, Padre las Casas, Temuco, Galvarino, Cholchol, Río Bueno, Corral, Valdivia and Paillaco.
The mayor of Coihueco, Carlos Chandía, acknowledged that “it costs a lot” to control the quarantine “in a rural commune with 1,277 square kilometers. It will be quite an important job, but something important has been done so that people understand sometime that this is not a game, that this is something true, something real. ”
Extended curfew in Magellan
One of the most striking announcements of the day today was the advance of the ring -from tomorrow Friday- in the Magallanes Region: it will begin at 8:00 p.m. and will last until 5:00 a.m..
The epidemiologist Cinthya Urquidi, academic and master’s degree in Public Health from the University of Los Andes, pointed out that “the southern regions: Magallanes or La Araucanía, have longer times for reporting or processing samples. Something that has not happened or that already do not pass in the Metropolitan Region“.
“The time to detect a case and its contact are also long, that is, means that people are seeing for a late diagnosis“added the expert
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It comes in advance from Friday, October 2 at 8:00 p.m. pic.twitter.com/3tXjYbOGla
– Ministry of Health (@ministeriosalud) October 1, 2020
Sanitary cords for the long weekend
On the other hand, and due to long weekend for the holiday of October 12, will be implemented sanitary cords in Greater Valparaíso, Greater Concepción, Temuco-Padre Las Casas and the Metropolitan Region.
Permissions for interregional travel that began operating this week will not be used to cross said cordons, warned the Undersecretary for Crime Prevention, Katherine Martorell.
Advertisements @SubPrevDelito @katymartorell | Sanitary Cords
From Friday, October 9 at 6:00 p.m. to Monday, October 12 at 11:00 p.m.
Great Valparaiso
Metropolitan region
Great conception
Temuco | Father Las Casas pic.twitter.com/L0oHr3DBp4– Ministry of Health (@ministeriosalud) October 1, 2020
Regarding the daily balance, they reported 1,760 new cases for 33,533 PCR tests (5% positivity) and 81 deceased, to reach 12,822 in total.
“We are very concerned about the southern regions of Chile, from La Araucanía to Magallanes,” said Minister Paris.
Subsec @arturozunigaj | Assistance Network # COVID-19
🔹 849 hospitalized
🔹 633 in mechanical ventilation
🔹 121 critics
🔹 495 fans available
🔹 33,533 PCR tests performed (3,355,848 in total) pic.twitter.com/99e1mVXLmj– Ministry of Health (@ministeriosalud) October 1, 2020
The infectologist of the USACh, Ignacio Silva, stressed that the authorities must provide clear and precise information, because otherwise this type of situation happens and that “it shows that we are still very far from adequate traceability”, because what he indicated that “I hope this is a lesson also to apply in the other communes where they have been misled “.
Likewise, the vice president of Sochimi, Darwin Acuña, pointed out that there is availability in hospitals, while the academic from the UdeC, Guillermo Cabrera, accused that “we see a deterioration in the evolution of the pandemic, where we observe a burden of more than 100 new infected people per 100,000 inhabitants on average during the last week, 10 times more new infected people.”