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The Metropolitan mayor, Felipe Guevara, together with the Metropolitan Health seremi, Paula Labra, announced the first fine to one of the people who they traveled by helicopter from Santiago to other areas of the country at Easter.
Although the authorities did not want to give the identity, it emerged that it is the businessman Christopher Kaufmann, who traveled to Cachagua, Zapallar commune.
The sanction after the sanitary summary against him reached 300 UTM, that is, more than $ 15 million, according to the Seremi Labra.
The health authority added that the fines violated two measures: breach of quarantine in his own commune and go to his second home; and violate the sanitary cord tax in the Metropolitan region to avoid trips at Easter.
“Let it be clear that nobody is above the law. It does not matter in which commune he lives, ”added the mayor.
Kaufmann can appeal to this determination in the next five days before the ordinary justice, where the court will eventually review if the facts that have motivated the sanction are verified in the sanitary summary and if the fine applied corresponds to the infraction committed.
“He went to buy a medicine”
His lawyer, José Luis Riesco, had told La Segunda that Kaufmann self-denounced on April 10 to the Seremi de Salud de Valparaíso, reporting that he went to Cachagua because in his building there was a person infected and there was only one elevator, so his intention was to stay there indefinitely.
“Don Cristóbal left with permission because went to buy a medicine and extended the trip, and went to the airfield that is right there, “added the lawyer.
Days later, Kaufmann himself told La Tercera that “when I went there that discussion was not yet (from going to the second home). The cachagüinos and fishermen themselves and the people who work there, were not dissatisfied with people going to their second home, because they were hitting them. ”
“Today found an entrepreneur It is a normal thing in social networks. That’s one thing that makes the press happy. There was bad intention and envy, totally, “he added about the criticism against him.