First Chilean with British strain of covid-19 suffers harassment and threats in Panguipulli | National


Isolated and without symptoms, but under harassment and threats, is the patient who arrived at Panguipulli, being positive for covid-19 with the new British strain. Their two close contacts are in the same situation.

The three people are relatives of each other and the infected patient, when she arrived from Spain, took the PCR test in Santiago to continue her trip to Temuco, where she was received by those who are now close contacts. Then they went in a private vehicle from La Araucanía to Panguipulli.

The three completed quarantine in a home and when the Health authorities learned that the patient in question carried the variant of covid-19, they were transferred to a hospital in the Los Ríos region, as a preventive measure, according to the Seremi Regina Barra, staying under clinical supervision until they finish their quarantine period.

The Minister of Health, Regina Barra, said that these three people they are well physicallyNot so emotionally, since they have been victims of intimidation.

The two close contacts will be maintained with serial PCR controls, the last ones performed being negative, but if one of them will be tested genomic sequencing to detect whether or not they have the new variant of the virus, an analysis that will be carried out at the Genomic Laboratory of the Austral University of Chile.

This device is now joining the Institute of Public Health to analyze any positive sample for passengers on flights that are linked to the new strain of Sars cov 2, as reported.

The statements were delivered by the authority in the framework of the daily report, informing that the region added 75 new cases and a daily positivity of 15%.
