Firefighters gather more than 2.5 million pesos in online event “We run for life”


More of a thousand firefighters from Arica to Puerto Williams participated in the event “We Run for Life 2020”, which this year, due to the health emergency caused by covid-19, was carried out online.

The activity organized by the Santiago Fire Department (CBS) aimed to encourage organ donation, supporting the Cambiemos la Historia foundation, and also the Chilean Association of Oncological Groups (Achago), for which more than 2.5 million pesos were raised.

In the 2019 edition, the volunteers climbed the 2,117 steps of the Costanera Center tower. On this occasion, four tests were carried out in each fire station and in the homes of the participants that emulated the physical work of the volunteers. The face-to-face version and coordination, meanwhile, took place in the machine room of the 16th CBS Company.

“This is the triumph of the will of firefighters from all over Chile, united by two great causes, such as organ donation and support for people who suffer from cancer, in addition, of course, taking care of physical condition,” said the CBS superintendent Marco Antonio Cumsille.

“We must thank the firefighters from all over Chile and also those from other countries, who encouraged us in this event, in which more than 30 thousand people participated online and which allowed us to raise 2.5 million for the foundations that we support, “added the CBS commander Gabriel Huerta.
