The Santiago Fire Department (CBS) fights with at least 29 cars a large fire that is registered in a tire warehouse in the Renca commune.
The claim is registered in a property located at the intersection of El Ventisquero avenue and Calle de Servicio Norte.
The smoke, meanwhile, can be seen from different points of the capital.
He was still out of control while various fire trucks continue to arrive at the scene to contain the accident.
At the moment it is feared that the fire will spread to other wineries, so officials are working to prevent the flames from spreading.
There are 25 machines sent to #fire in El Ventisquero with Calle de Servicio Norte, in #Renca #Firefighters#ConstanceandDiscipline pic.twitter.com/zgA6Pjw1vL
– Santiago Fire Department (@cbsantiago) November 21, 2020
Another image of the 4th Alarm #Fire where CBS works, with the support of @FirefightersNunoa Y @CBQN, in El Ventisquero and Calle de Servicio Norte, #Renca.#EmergenciesCBS #FirefightersSantiago #ConstanceandDiscipline pic.twitter.com/pXZIgbHfvR
– Santiago Fire Department (@cbsantiago) November 21, 2020
NOW: on Fourth Alarm #fire are 29 CBS machines dispatched to the tire storage warehouse in El Ventisquero with Calle de Servicio Norte, in #Renca#Firefighters#ConstanceandDiscipline
Video goodness @molinafirerescue pic.twitter.com/JKanzflzqQ– Santiago Fire Department (@cbsantiago) November 21, 2020
Another video of the 4th Alarm #Fire, El Ventisquero and Calle de Servicio Norte, #Renca, where CBS works, @CBQN Y @FirefightersNunoa. #EmergenciesCBS #FirefightersSantiago pic.twitter.com/ihkUr7k7A0
– Santiago Fire Department (@cbsantiago) November 21, 2020